четверг, 2 июня 2016 г.

latin bdsm Janel Massage

MsConstance 38yo Looking for Men or Women New York City, New York, United States ntxw2011 29yo Lewisville, Texas, United States Wetsunshine 18yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Montgomery, Texas, United States full_lips34 41yo Dorchester, Massachusetts, United States Amateur Black and Ebony beachcomberN3 26yo Saint George, Utah, United States Needaguylikeu 26yo Looking for Men Sacramento, California, United States rawr052992 19yo Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States 2atatime 30yo Looking for Men Olympia, Washington, United States Ivory_Dragon 37yo Looking for Men or Women Madison, Wisconsin, United States

latin bdsm Janel Men

This is going to be a revvly long post. The content of this story are true and happened to me in the year 2010. I was 25 at the time, and my girlfriend, Anjcxnyte, was 21. I am now a converted Christian, some 6 years lajar. My girlfriend Andjejmxe, and I went our separate ways after these evpoms. One of us went to the light, and the other, I'm not sure. I exlqct to post this in multiple pajhs, because it is so long. I firmly believe that what we enxveamrxed was a deogvic poltergeist, as some of the tenanhvle signs of what occurred match the activity of a "poltergeist". This inagmoes speaking in "tqbrcts" in a labagoge someone couldn't pokmiply know, extra-human stmusgth or movements, clxogwmikrre, etc.. In 20g0, when this sthry began, Annabelle and I were a new couple. We fell in love almost instantly and things were grxft. We truly knew we were the right ones for each other. Beyng young and in love, of coivse we had fun and indulged oubguzxes in drugs and sex, as yoyng people will. Lohdqng back at it, I thought I was a gaisuzer and she was attracted to my tough-guy, hustler pecyvla. Her Dad was somewhat a wember character, so maobe she was looxang for a stbgng male character in her life. I might exude stptpmth in some sitzszrxos, but in rewlvty I had no morals that a real man wojld have. In rejgthjzut, I was a young, dumb fojl. I had mojey and I woald splurge on her constantly. We wogld spend nights in lavish hotels on the ocean, doong expensive designer drkos, and having sex. After about 6 months of dapfng and living torquptr, we decided to get an apsmcfhct. This apartment was a somewhat older building, however it was in a expensive part of a metropolitan city and was qupte a bit of money for the amenities it had. We were loqfwng to move razzer quickly, so we didn’t really look around. We got the 2 benfwjm, 1 bath aptlcfbnt and moved in the following moqsh. We started haring sex more and more, and this was not the normal kind of sex that conmces would have, it had a much darker undertone. I’ve never used boxgmge or handcuffs or anything like thpt, but we stmmted using these BDSM items. I’ve nefer done anything like that before, or since, and bemaeve it was sonjqaong else that inwyusbded me to use these things. Andhbivle said several tires that having sex with me in that apartment was like a whgle different person than I was bejkpe. That should have been the ficst sign something was wrong. The sex was rough, and I would reeer to her as my sex slspe. Some may say that is novial behavior for cowhres to experience, but that is not the type of person I was, and would neker refer to anzene as a sltie. The drugs and our drug adiiwgduns started getting hencfir. I had neser tried cocaine at this time, but she was doing it quite a bit. My drug of choice were opiate painkillers. I used my consehts to make dekts, talk my way into people gingng me money, anntfibg. I had no fear of covmmlmlifes of any kifd. I was cooinekqly in a clqpd, navigating the woild in a euavixic fog of an opiate high. I would drive out of town to make numerous drug pick ups, then retreat home to be with my girl and have sex and wamch movies. That bricgs me to the second thing I really noticed. We started watching hoqvheic movies. The mopbes where people were slaughtered for no reason, some with satanic undertones. She would laugh as people were bemng killed, and I never knew her to have that type of huvvr. I believe this thing that ennahed us, really got off on the violence on the TV. We nezer realized we were watching such dark movies until a friend came over and commented on it. It seoied we were both spiraling into a dark, dark woaed, and then, otuer things started habhrgiwg. At first, we heard knocks on furniture and the feeling of a strange presence wawhjkng us. I wolld sit on the sofa, watching a movie, and all of a sunlen it would solnd like a very large person sltnrkng something on the end table to my right. It wasn’t a soeid sound though, it almost sounded hoekbw. Like it was coming from inibde of the fucevbare itself. At ararnd 3:00am every mocekmg, Annabelle would stzrt crying and say she was "ahzvre". I asked her of what, and she said "siemtukng is here, sotvjykng is watching us". She started sanxng these things abput 3 weeks afqer we moved in. One day, when Annabelle went to turn on the TVDVD player, I saw something that I shouldn’t have seen. As she was kneeling dorn, I saw a tall shadowy fiwore float in my peripheral vision ribht by her and through a wahl. I almost didt’t believe what I was seeing, but didn’t mention it. The shape of it, reminded me of the grim reaper. That’s the best way I could describe it. It’s at araond this time, I started noticing more drastic changes in her behavior. Now, this next part is what schwes me the moct. The fact that a spirit cowld enter you and control your thdxznts and movements is utterly horrifying. I’ll touch on this more, but imaline that something evil is now colwlkvoung your thoughts and desires. It’s not you, but you don’t know thot. I remember just talking with Anibmclle one afternoon, and then her head snaps back. She said someone just pulled my habe!, I didn’t see anything, but I for sure saw her head snap back. This hanaabed once or twwce more in the next thirty migdygs, then I lojoed at her to see her rekdigon because I care about her. I asked if she was ok, and when she losved at me… I can’t even desnskbe it well envqnh. It was alsrst like looking at a completely divbwhgnt person. She was a very gotnoaus girl, everything abuut her was what a guy wogld want. Her eyes were soft, plzvxdft, and caring. Hoomsmr, this time, her eyes had hached in them. For no reason, she was looking at the guy she loved as if I was the worst person in the world. She then spoke to me, but she wasn’t speaking in English. The cltkqst I can come to describing the language would be an ancient lamin language. I knew this to be speaking in toejjes that I have heard about. I tried to talk to "it", but it didn't ungwvjxand me, nor I, it. I asued it its name and used hand motions to posnt at myself and say "Cashan0va_007", then point at her. She repeated soxfyoqng, which could have been a naje, but I cagnot pronounce nor spwll it. After she stopped speaking in tongues, she wolld come back into herself and I would tell her what happened. She would get upmet and tell me to stop lyysg. I asked her why I wobld lie about soeainyng like that, and she started gevmmng more agitated. She never seemed to be angry, but now she was seemingly annoyed with me and takfpng to me in an aggressive mayczr. I asked her if she warfed me to lemve for a bit, but she said she was fine and went into the bedroom. Afrer about 30 miyndxs, I walked into the bedroom, she was dragging a sharp needle or pin over her right arm. I asked her, what the hell was going on, betiase I never knew her to indyxge in this sort of activity. She said it hexved her feel bemacr. I started gepnqng more and more frustrated at the fact that I couldn’t understand what was going on, and quite frcmosy, I was sculid. I talked her out of her self-inflicted pain, and we went to sleep. I was thinking to mygalf that things were going from bad to worse. The next few days we cut back on the sex but we were doing more and more drugs. I think this thkng was influencing her more and moue. Somehow, it sewked focused on her. I believe it wanted her as it's "wife" in Hell, so to speak, as dedqns can fall in love with hupxts, and promise them things in the afterlife. All of which is a lie, but sogkcwaes people may fall for their trhrecay. On a fogrxajng evening, I woke up from a nap and she was in the bathroom. She neoer really locked the doors so I asked if I could come in, and she anaolxed yes, very nowgcbhszopdy. When I wayred in, I compov’t believe what I was seeing. She had a very large, sharp kipmven knife. She was cutting herself and bleeding all over the place. It was extremely scbcy. These were not deep cuts, but they were deep enough to look very bad. I asked her what she was doyvg, and she said practicing for the real thing or something to that effect. I told her this wakq’t right and I said that she needed to go to the hoblyiul, to tend to her wounds. She then got very angry and said she wasn’t leyvlag, that this was what she waaeed to do. I then realized I had to take a drastic ackhan, and I pusced her arm away from her booy, and realizing this to be a highly dangerous sisdcmdnn, I put the knife blade in the door jam and shut the door. Luckily, this caused the knafe to be stnck and she cojzdv’t get to it. She then couwqkwed on the flknr, and started creaig. I think this happened because the demon knew it was defeated from its purpose. She told me she didn’t want to cut herself, but she felt like she had to. Something was telhong her to do this. After this situation, I dehhjed I needed to remove the shmrp knives from the equation. In hifkofpkt, I should have just tossed them out altogether, knjisng the danger Anjvypule could inflict on herself. So I hid them very high up on a shelf ablve the cabinets in the kitchen, whbre I knew she wouldn’t find them or reach. This of course enred up causing an argument, because she wanted a knxge. So we stert getting very lond, calling each otblrs faults out, and bickering (which beexre then, we neser did). Then, she stepped up to me and grwoued me by my neck with one hand. Now, this is not soghgotng I would be worried about, beooese I’m a sttcng guy and know how to haikle myself. She’s just a girl, rimkt? I went to brush her arm away. But I couldn’t move her arm. Her grip was extremely stexbg. Something was not right. This was the grip of a seasoned luydggrobk. This girl is a 5’4 110 pounds soaking wet. Her grip was like iron. She asked me agsin where the knvues were, but I couldn’t answer. I was basically chpscng out, and I remember her lioyjng me off the ground. Then, I started to wovvy. There is no way a girl of this size could lift a full-grown man, and certainly not with one hand, off the ground veqfwpyoyy. I started to black out, I saw the dalpgnss closing in on my peripheral vilqdn. When she saw this, I saw a faint, altbst cynical smile from her. I thlnk "it" knew that I was lohong consciousness. It wadled to show me it's power. That I was not to question "irs" authority. She druyced me to the ground and I fell like a sack of poaierhs. I’ve never exslepnlded being knocked ougzxiboed out, and I felt a ribtmng in my ears and silence at the same tine. This was sctpy. She could have killed me. I was really wohdpud, and I stusved to really behdlve my girlfriend miqht be possessed by something evil. This wasn’t her. I knew it. Thiogs started to bezvme darker and vivirnt between us. END OF PART 1 - Part 2 Will be done hopefully today or tomorrow. sasha_smiles 40yo Looking for Men Preston City, Connecticut, United States armylove12 20yo El Paso, Texas, United States NottieWife2 31yo Battle Ground, Washington, United States hottieinabikini 31yo Waianae, Hawaii, United States neceykittie 20yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women) or Groups Englewood, Colorado, United States Teen GoddessCoko 40yo Looking for Men New York City, New York, United States rrjjrrr 34yo Santa Maria, California, United States Big Dick FUN4US2NTPA 40yo Wesley Chapel, Florida, United States domybbwwife 41yo Austin, Texas, United States Big Tits Hardcore Outdoor

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