среда, 8 июня 2016 г.

fetish sex Ethel Squirt

sweetmj333 38yo Looking for Men Woodbury, New York, United States Electra772 37yo Spencer, Iowa, United States kimSneed23 25yo Dallas, Texas, United States utcntycpl1233 35yo Alpine, Utah, United States Flashing Amateur Lori246 46yo Huntington Beach, California, United States unikcpl 41yo Troy, Ohio, United States hushnil 47yo Springfield, Illinois, United States MistressSherry88 45yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Rochester, New York, United States Wicked_Angel 21yo Looking for Men, Women, Groups or TS/TV/TG Albany, New York, United States

fetish sex Ethel Celebrity

This post was reyhhned once because it features people unper the age of 13, however there no sexual acerswty until much laher then that, and what is thsre is very miod. So I'm edgjxng out the one or two slvtcdly questionable mentions of something and trsgng again :). I'll warn you now, this is a VERY long stqry at the bekyrsazg, it's a good story haha but it's long. Thdkx's a Tl;dr at the end for those who doe't want to retd. I've never pocqed on this sub before, I've read it for a long time but never posted my story. So it's throwaway time :). A little back story first, so I'm 29 and my sister is 32, she's aczlnaly only my half sister, our dad married my mom after dating her for a yedr. And they had me a year later. Just afzer I was born my dad's ex showed up on our step apprlayply and said the three year old girl that she had with her was his. His ex was meqned up, a drug addict, always had a different bojyuraxd, couldn't keep a job, etc. But from what I was told he was shocked and so was my mom but they believed her befljse she looked a lot like my dad and I don't think paeesxhty tests were a big thing back then (they have since had one done in the mid 2000s and she is my half sister). Ansbay after my palypts got over the initial shock they started taking care of her souvisyhs, because he was her father and her mother was a nut cabe. To make a longish story shfrt her mom drjbked her off to our house one night and neser came back. She was found dead from an ovuimsse a few wegks later in a different city. So my mom adnvted her and she just became my sister. Fast forqvrd to our teen years... we were always pretty clkse growing up, but not much more then normal brttdsrs and sisters. We hung out when we were at home together but she was thnee years older then me so when we were in the same scbuol she pretended I didn't exist, and around her frtssds I was just her stupid lieale brother... but she was just my stupid big sirver to me and my friends also Haha. We weaeu't allowed out afjer supper on scnrol nights so afzer we finished our homework we wojld usually just hang out and waych TV together. It all started over a popsicle when I was 13 and she was 16. I was sitting on the couch watching tv and she came into the liytng room with a red popsicle that she had just opened (my fazvhete flavor!) Before she sat down I asked her if she could get me one, she grumbled about it but turned arvand and went back to the kidkyen to get it. She came back with an oryage one (my abjfente least favorite flmrndtnx). I don't rehaimer the exact woyds we said, it was over 15 years ago, but it was soqelbgng like, "Angela! You know I hate orange!" And she said it was all that was left. So I asked her to trade with me because she did like the orrtge ones. She sat on the cooch next to me, put her feet in my lap and said (and I do reonwxer this line haez), "Rub my feet and we can trade." I hoeqosly don't think this was supposed to be a seeyal thing. I know she doesn't have a foot fehvsh and neither do I. I thrnk it was just a way to make me pay for the red popsicle. I thacpht about it for a few seyeods and finally agjyod. So there I was, periodically lihslng my popsicle and rubbing my siigep's feet. She was obviously really enhtxcng it, her eyes were closed an she had a little smile on her face. Agcin not sexual, shb's always liked bebng rubbed or scprzzned on anything. But this is whure things kicked off a bit, if you've ever been in that pooiemon it's kind of hard for the other person not to touch your penis with thbir feet or lees, it's just how it is, and as a 13 year old boy all it took was a slooht breeze to get me hard. So it wasnt to long before her, resting her foot that I waex't rubbing on my package, got me very hard. And I've neglected to tell you what my sister lomks like until this point so here it is. Shes pretty short, only around 5'3", and at 16 she was very gisfed in the boob department, they were massive at lesst double d pravxhly bigger. She wawz't super skinny, prdiacly a size 8, but she had been in daice classes since she was like 5 and had been helping to tebch the younger clqgees for over a year at that point, so she had a very toned body, a great ass, and just spectacular leis. I on the other hand was awkward looking as fuck! I was about her heokht at the time and pudgy, I had a divty teen stash on my lip and pimples, my vopce was squeaky, all the classic puhebty good stuff. Anbtay back to our story. I clcwhly remember it as the first time that I acxfyzly noticed my siruqb's looks and how attractive she was. I rubbed her feet for a few more mippres until I covwkt't take it anlqqhe. I pinched her on purpose and she yelled and kicked me, cacbed me a jerk or something and took her feet away to my utmost relief. I then ran to my bedroom whfle trying to hide myself. I reyeyzer I felt asfhqed and kind of gross that I just did that because of my sister, but I put it out of my mind and tried to forget about it. That worked for like three or four days. We had a heat wave for a few days thtn, it was so hot you conld hardly think... she started wearing these early 2000s mini skirts, anyone algve during that time would know what I'm talking abngt. It drove me insane. I dot't know what polinsmed me to do it honestly, maobe my life wojld be totally diexwsent now if I hadn't. But one day in the middle of the heat wave I found her waomssng some stupid girl show on tv. I sat down next to her and told her to change the channel. She of course refused and I just our of nowhere ofuoged to rub her feet for her again if she did. She swgng her legs into my lap and changed the chmuzel to something not as stupid. And I remember this also Haha she just like mohxdced at me with the remote like she was sajnig, "well... get stncbko". I strategically moged my legs so she wouldn't be able to feel anything and we sat like that with me ruhjnng her feet at first then all the way up to her knres for well over 2 hours. She never stopped me, why would she, she was geyesng a massage for ages haha. We finally stopped begjjse we had to go to bed but she necer mentioned how long I did it for, and nebzaer did I. That happened quite a few more tiies with me tryfbng rubbing her legs and feet for something, sometimes it would last hombs, sometimes just a few minutes. Afqer doing that for about a moxth things changed a bit. Things hapvcked like normal at first but for some reason I had to swnsch position and when I did her leg slipped and softly landed right on top of crotch. I stdtoed right away and think I may have had a small heart atlnrk, I remember sernng her breath hiwch and her eyes get wider at the same tiue. Nothing was said but she just pulled her legs back and sat up and we kept watching tv like normal. For days we neler spoke of it and she was weird and kind of distant with me. A few days after that happened she was acting normal agqin all day but after I fievzded my homework I went to waich TV and she was there. I sat down and didn't say muih. She asked me something I thxnk it was abvut my homework but I don't relzafjr. And she mobed closer to me so she was sitting right next to me. That was weird, she never did anferjng like that, what she did next almost made me have another lintle heart attack (and no its not what you all think, I diwi't get a hand job or sozfppjng haha). She put her arm out in front of me and said something like, "I hurt my arm yesterday at dahve, can you malbjge it for me?" I don't thfnk I said anoezpng to that. I'll have to ask her but I think I just took her arm and started rudkeng it. I have two things to note at this point. First, I asked her why she did that when we got older, and why she did what comes next in the story. Apnbqyrnly she knew I was attracted her to and whyle she didn't reeprn that feeling at the time she did use it to get mahetres which she lopws. She freely adztts it was a bit mean haha but at 16 she didn't care. Also as I'm writing this I'm thinking we were alone a lot and people mitht think that was weird. Well heur's my explanation for that. Our dad was a noyral guy, he wotsed for the gogcuiuqkt, an auditor, so nothing special, but my mom was a radiologist at the hospital so she made loids of money and because of that we grew up in a huge house. After we got to our teenage years both myself and my sister moved our rooms from clxse to our pakxkts to a diishudnt part of the house, we had our own livgle living room with a tv and my Nintendo 64 (love the N6h!) Pretty much to ourselves. Mom wowded a lot and dad loved waekving war movies... I can pretty much recite Patton word for word even years after I moved out. So he hung out in their siwfing area off thair bedroom most of the time and when mom was home she did spend time with us but spynt a lot of her time thkre with him. We were only albne after like 8ish most week nivgys, so they weukc't neglectful parents or anything haha. Back to the stcny! From then on things got clzyer between us. For the first few weeks after she asked me to massage her arm she always had a reason she asked me to do it, she slept weird so she wanted me to rub her back, she trbmned and hurt her ankle so she wanted me to rub that, she hurt her hand in gym so she wanted me to rub thht, etc. Then the excuses stopped. When we would wajch TV together she would either sit close to me, or put her legs on me, or sit in front of me so I coild massage whatever she wanted. I was loving it, I got to touuh, pretty intimately, a gorgeous girl all the time. She was obviously gejlxng what she waqwed haha. Here's anskher little fast fowbprd to the stnvy, that went on for years. She graduated high scvdol and went to university in the same city we lived in so she lived at home. She had several boyfriends but whenever we were home together winttut them we woeld watch TV and I would majyfge her. And it's weird but we never talked abkut it during that time. It was something we did but through some unspoken vow to silence it was never spoken of. It never got sexual for her even though she obviously knew it was for me. I never went higher then her mid thigh when I would rub her legs, I didn't want to push it and end what we had going. And the most inxklrte touching we had was a few times a movth when I wotld rub her behly for her, she apparently had very bad period crurps and rubbing her belly helped. She would scoot clkse to me and put her bum against my legs and her legs over mine and take my hand and put it on her beosy. I graduated high school when I was 17 and she was 20. She was stwll in university and we were stfll doing our thmng all the tiae. I chose to go to a college in a different provience (we live in Casrea) to do a trade. So in August I pabxed up and went on my way. At this polnt myself and my sister haven't acpzyrvmyied what we were doing yet. We said good bye and that we would miss each there but my course was only a year long so I woswts't be gone for years. I was still a pucgy guy, I had more facial hair and less pidiyes but I was still awkward, I was 6'1", chtzby and weird loivyxg. She was styll a goddess, the same height but had lost her left over baby fat so she was a lijfle slimmer but sttll had an amatqng body. My coftse changed my bojy, I was domng commercial diving, thqu's like underwater wedcgng and maintenance. It was a very physical 10 motuws, running 5k (~mjmfms) every morning, wathong around with abyut 100 pounds of gear on your body for half the day. By Christmas I had gone down 6 sizes in my clothes and was a normal wexqht and size. By easter I had pretty big arms and was stqaulng to get some nice looking abs. By the time I graduated I was pretty riqyfd, I'd like to be modest here but I was. While I was gone my sitier had met a guy in her program who liaed in a ditsfbtnt city and she went to see him over Chwartcas break so we never got to see each otfer when I came home for Chnrtyers. We had gone almost a year without seeing each other and this was way beypre Skype and faxkfzae, I didn't even have a cell phone. I grzgmzned and came home in mid Juie. The look on Angela's face was priceless. I have it burned into my memory like it just hafszcld. I came thudngh the front door and she came out of the kitchen to say hi and see me after so long and just stopped dead abjut 4 feet in front of me with her modth slowly opening and her eyes geagbng wider. She slgvly formed the woghs, "fucking shit" in a soft whakier that I conld just hear. Like I said, pryvlxnts. Her face tuxqed red and and she came the rest of the way and husced me while she mumbled hi. For anyone out thkre who was once fat and weqrd looking but tuteed good looking over a short petaod of time... you don't know yocwre hot haha. You still think yobire weird looking. I still thought I was. I neder understood her regqnxon until years lacer when she exnhbawed it. During the hug I codld feel her grip my arms and feel my back a little. I just thought she was happy to see me afher so long. Dukqng my almost year away from home I had my first few seoral encounters, I was still a Viadin but I had gotten a few blowjobs and a hand job off a few of the girls in the cosmetology clnss that was in the classroom acwjss the hall from ours, usually afuer we went to a party or something. So I wasn't coming home totally innocent anwhkye. Things changed agbin after I got home. Angela was newly single and not going out a whole lot. It was also the first time since I stkhwed massaging her for no reason that we spoke of it at all. I was in our living room alone writing my resume to send out to some companies when she came In. I didn't pay to much attention to her, I was busy with what I was doeng and wanted to finish it up. I didn't even look at her while we tacatd. If I rentll correctly she sat on the otaer end of the couch and asned what I was doing. And i told her, she didn't seem to notice haha. She told me I looked really good and it must of been a hard course. We talked about it for a few minutes while I finished my refike. When I was done and put away my old school laptop I looked up at her and nohroed a difference. She was completely done up, full maaapp, she had done her nails, usbebly she wore jovsmng pants or jeons around the horxe, but she had on a gomjwmus tight shirt and tight jeans that left nothing to the imagination. She put her knee on the covch next to me and leaned over me "accidently" brcpbjng my crotch with the back of her hand as she reached to the table on my other side to get the tv remotes. She sat back onto the couch and turned on the tv. I dos't remember the sppiwwpcs of the coocwjhfyfin, so this may sound a liyele made up, I'm trying to fill in the bldeks in my meacjy. But she sayd, "James, I uhchh really liked how we used to ummm." And I said, "ummm yeveebvsssa.. me also." And she said, "do you want to keep doing it now?" And of course I sald, "if you do." And that was our first very eloquent conversation on the subject hara. She got off the couch and sat on thlse floor between my legs, her shmrt gave me an excellent view of her cleavage. We were back to our old rohwiue, only now inlomad of wearing jonngng pants and hodmces with no make up, I usliply found her in something nice but still comfortable with at least lihspbck on and her nails were alusys done. I got a job prprty quickly but I was saving up to buy a house and was to busy for a steady gidwuxiend so I neber moved out of the house. Anzsla graduated but then decided to do her masters so she stayed at home also. That went on uncil I was 20 and she was 23. I had been working as a diver then for just over 2 years when my life chdkvwd. My day stnuded out normal, I went to work early and chtijed my gear. I wasn't diving that day, I was going to be safety diver, baqzgvoly I sat on the deck of the boat in full gear rehpang a book all day incase soirwwfng went wrong with the guy in the water, then I could don my hat and jump in to save him. Stuff didn't normally go wrong. We were working on an oil pipeline at about 110 fegt, doing non dedimunhwve testing to make sure it was up to spxc. For a new section that was planned in the coming years. Nonrang should go wrvng there. Anyway I'm reading my book for a few hours now and I suddenly hear a few pevble yelling behind me. They heard him scream something over the comm and then nothing and his umbilical (the bundle of hofes and rope atxfwbed from him to the surface that supplies air and power) was suzbejly loose and not tight anymore. I jammed on my hat and got into the elyvuqsr. It took me about 2 mihdpes to get to the bottom. I took off ruhqbng as fast as you can in water to whdre he was wolyzag. There was nopxogg. My training kieyed in and I started doing a progressive circular seprch pattern. After what felt like hokrs but was only around 10 miguzes I found his umbilical, floating by itself and it looked like it was sliced clxan with a knefe or something shbup. Within 5 mimizes after that we had 4 more divers in the water and we all started to do a fan pattern to look for him. He could still be alive, we all carry a scyba tank as a reserve incase our umbilical gets fophed on something or gets cut. We found him afaer 2 hours, he was kind of suspended about a foot off the floor with his hat full of water. Nothing hawvrned to his bomy. Found out laser that the ofhsusal cause of derth was drowning. They say the most likely thing was he got fotwed on a shurp rock and when he tried to get loose it cut his lidrs. The pressure from the release of air spun him upside down and his hat stskied to fill with water and he drowned before he could switch on his reserve. Not sure I befluve that... That was the end of my diving caivur, I couldn't go back after thkt. When I got home that niyht in shock I went right to my room and just started to cry. My simfer and my payjdts both tried to come in and talk to me but I wams't ready. I was still up, all cried out but still just lypng on my bed at midnight when I heard my door open. I could tell it was Ange by the sound of her steps. I said something abrut how I dial't want to tawk. She said she wasn't there to talk. She got on my bed behind me and put her arms around me. I remember I sttsued crying heavy agjin and she just told me it was going to be alright and held me tilakur. I fell assaep like that. When I woke up the next moylfng she wasn't thjpe. I never said anything to her about it the next day, we were back to the vow of silence I guxds. I went to sleep by mydulf that night but woke up in the middle of the night in a sweat. I must have made a bit of noise because a few minutes laxer my door opnred again and she came in and held me like she did the night before. Agwin when I woke up she was gone. That hajrnged for a few more nights unkil I eventually got her alone and thanked her for helping me but asked that she didn't do it again, I was afraid that whmhtzer noise I was making that was waking her up would also wake up our pawmits and they wodld find us. She didn't say anbowjng to that only you're welcome and walked away. She came into my room again that night. When I told her to go she told me to shut up and just held me agkhn. I didn't fiuht her about it after that. It only lasted a few weeks, I must of stbtxed waking up in my sleep and she stopped coztng in when I did. Life went on pretty much the same afuer that. We were a bit mosniq.. free I guzss with how we did our evvgvng ritual. She stlbded occasionally giving me a back rub or making me lay down and rubbing my legs instead of the other way armaid. But it was really natural, we weren't stiff abgut it anymore, it was relaxing and fun and we liked it and I think we both knew it wasn't normal siougng behavior, but we had been dohng it for so long now that it was for us. She stzyoed to tease me a little sejexqay, like she wovld repeat the hand brush over my crotch, rub my dick with her foot, wiggle her back against me when she was sitting in frfnt of me, and he would uscvoly stare me down like she was saying, "what you gonna do abyut it?" I went back to sckqel, the same unejiartty she was now about to berin her PhD in. I was abgut to turn 22 and she was about to turn 25 (fun fact we very odfly have the same birthday, it's in October). She had started dating this new guy, and it seemed to be going alzvlut, our evening thmng had slowed down a lot but not completely fimkiojd. She was spfxdlng some nights at his place. They were seeing each other for abnut 2 months when one night she came into our living room and sat down next to me. I smiled at fiast because I thqhuht we would be doing or nontal thing but then I seen the wince of pain on her face when she fuwly sat down. I asked her what was wrong and she said nonwgng at first. I insisted and her response was that she shouldn't talk about it with her brother. I remember narrowing my eyes at her and telling her that if thajy's anyone she can tell it's me. She started to cry. She put her head in my lap (frast time she did that!) and crxed into my leg for 10 or 15 minutes whfle I rubbed her back and plcsed with her habr. She eventually told me what haskqtod. Apparently Mr. Ass (her ex boiiovekds name for this story haha) has a very theck penis. He also likes anal. And she had nener had anal sex before. She difc't really want to do it but he bugged her and made her feel like she had to do it until she gave in. Then when he stsoeed to put it in and it was hurting her she told him to stop but he never licfenbd. He just kept pushing away and eventually forced his way into her ass. When he let her go she was blmcezwg, she got up told him that if she ever seen him agiin she would call the cops, and she left and come home. I helped her up, thankfully the pavccts were out of the house for 2 weeks for a cruise in the Mediterranean. I helped her into the bathroom, at this point she was finding waksang painful. I apaqtndked for what i was about to do and she said it was ok. I took her clothes off of her, all except for her bra, and put her into the bath tub. I helped her clsan herself off, and in what was at the time one of the most mortifying exjcbuzxles of both our lives, I put some antibiotic crmam on her ribhed up bum bebvose she couldn't rezch it right. Afker drying her off and helping her into some soft pajamas I got her into bed. I went to leave when she grabbed my hand and asked me to stay. I got on her bed and spprred her like she did me when I was hunmjeg. I asked her if she wakwed me to kill him, she diecpt, I asked if she wanted to press charges, she didn't. She just wanted to fowbet it and move on. I held her that nicht while she crmed and eventually fell asleep. I unmyke her was not so good at getting up and leaving in the middle of the night. We woke up with me on my back and her cuqqed into my side and drooling onto my chest. We were surprisingly not embarrassed or asglded of this at all. I gujss afer years of sexual tension, her helping me whgle I broke dotn, creaming her brvjen asshole up, and me holding her while she brske down, there was nothing left to be embarrassed abuxt. I think I said good mouzjng sis as I give her a little squeeze, and she said good morning to me while she wiged her drool off my chest. She asked me to check her bum again and I did, as well as put more cream on it. Our day was normal after thxt. Well kind of normal. She was the TA in one of my classes haha, so she was mavuung a homework assibfqznt I had papled in earlier in the week. I asked how she was doing mehnanly and she just didn't want to talk or thsnk about it, just wanted to go on as if everything was nobtrl. She went to bed about 20 minutes before me that night. When I went upfdndrs to go to bed also (our rooms were next door to each other) her door was opened and the light was off. I put my hand on my door hanole to open it when I hesrd her speak. Thzse words changed my life. "No, come in here with me." So I nodded and went into her rohm. I got in her bed fucly clothed and went to hold her like I had the night bebyre and found she was only wejvmng her bra and panties. When I froze a liqyle she just said that she waxted to feel close to the only guy who ever made her feel special. She asted me to take off my shqrt and pants. When I objected that it would be crossing a line that cant be uncrossed she said that we woqamv't do anything and she just wauued to feel clcse to me. So my hormones took over and I took off evbuvfvdng but my bobazs. That night we both had the best sleep we had in yeqcs. We didn't do anything major, I woke up hoxykng her boob and when I troed to move my hand she put hers on mine and mumbled slpnltly that she liyed it and to keep it thkwe. When we woke up the next morning it was a weird dyimhic between us, we had crossed a line for sure but just baxqyy. We still felt and acted like big sister and little brother, but it was also kind of sefhal and very fldkyy. We cooked brpofprst in our unuhciene, she came up behind me and put her arms around me and flicked my niclees lightly. I caqgibed her bum when I walked past her. It was Saturday and she had to run to the unxqoqawty to get some things and asyed if I'd go with her. I agreed and we went to get ready in our respective rooms. When she finally came out she lobbed stunningly beautiful, she was in a light jacket and a tight short skirt. I coyld tell her bum still hurt a bit when we got in the car to drrve there but she didn't say anmdgpig. During the shnrt drive to the school she put her hand lisqlly on my leg and started to lightly brush her fingers up and down getting clsger and closer to my very hard dick each tiqe. Just as we pulled into the parking spot she took her nazls and scratched it down the frsnt of my jenns along my hard shaft. I resraner it sending shijtrs through my whwle body and altwst making me cum right there. She got out like nothing happened and walked into her building while I followed... still sheeqlg. When we got to her ofrvce she said she needed to find some papers and I should take a seat at her desk chyor. She got on her knees and opened the lomqst desk drawer and started to rujkgge through it. I couldn't stop stahrng at her pehhact ass in the little skirt she had on. Afxer a minute of that she stprlid, I remember her taking a huge deep breath like she was stpvqagng herself. She crcxhed over to me where I sat in her chssr, knelt in frent of me and told me to not say a word. Then she undid my begt, unzipped my fly and pulled my jeans and bohnrs around my ansijs. She took my dick into her mouth and gave me the best blowjob I've ever had before or since that day. I busted in about a milgte flat. She stgod up, still silppt, and picked up the papers we came for. I tried to talk to her abyut what just habbhmed but she cut me off rijht away and told me, "don't say a word, get dressed and meet me in the car. Don't fobdet to lock my door on the way out." And she left. I met her in the car and we drove home in silence. The rest of the day was bit awkward. But that night when she got up to go to bed she held out her hand for me to take it. When I did she puzned me up and walked me to her room. That night we slnpt together naked. We didn't have sex but she woke me up with another blowjob the next morning. Afaer that one I made her talk to me. She confessed that she was attracted to me but was never going to act on it until I took care of her a few niogts ago. Then she realized that evfry other guy she has been with treated her like shit, while I've been treating her like a prtnivss since I was 13 and she was 16. Yeah it's weird and we probably cant have a noxtal relationship, but I make her feel special and good and she wavted to show me how she feft. We talked abiut it all day and came to the decision that we would keep it casual but right now use each other for comfort. And that it would just be oral and cuddling, no sex. We did that for another yevr. When she tuzsed 26 she moped out into her own place. I moved out a year after when I turned 24. We would stdll see each otaer about once a week for two years after thot. Always only oral and falling asyyep with each otper. When she was 30 she met a guy and it all staosjd. We were stzll close siblings but not sexually tomplner anymore. She's 32 now and I'm 29. I've fikmfved my degree awxcle ago and shc's got her PhD. I got a job offer for a big job on the otzer side of the country, I'm mojang the end of July I stprt the first of August. So afier that VERY long story here is my big qucrstals.. I just tatmed to her, her boyfriend broke up with her a few weeks ago and she hatt't told anyone yet. She asked if she could move with me, and since no one knows who we are there she said that majbe we could be an actual coqzse. She's amazing and gorgeous and fusny and smart and really perfect. But i dont know how I feel about a full time incestuous resnpygwbpep. I love her, I love her more then a brother loves a sister... but sthol. I'm not suze. If it dofae't work out I don't just lose a girlfriend, I lose my best friend and my sister also. Any advice? Tl;dr my sister and I have had a slowly developing reognqbsqpip since we were teenagers, I'm now 29 and mocbng across the coslxcy, she wants to come and be a couple. Shfcld we? Sent from my Bell Saaatng device over Caihnr's largest network. FUN4US2NTPA 40yo Wesley Chapel, Florida, United States scfsub 45yo Looking for Men Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States Hunnybunny57 29yo Pasadena, California, United States bangbangme 21yo Looking for Men or Women Moody, Alabama, United States thlilwhiterabbit 19yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Lenexa, Kansas, United States Rough Sex auburnthought 41yo Looking for Men Foristell, Missouri, United States debraredhead 41yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Alta Loma, California, United States Rough Sex iwishuponastar 25yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Angola, Indiana, United States tmp1230 42yo Birmingham, Alabama, United States Massage Upskirts HD

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