пятница, 3 июня 2016 г.

fellating females Sophie French

InNeedOfLust 34yo New Baltimore, Michigan, United States Darklove37 38yo Looking for Men Winter Springs, Florida, United States silkspectre 27yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or TS/TV/TG Brooklyn, New York, United States YaNeverKnowWho 47yo Bay Area, California, United States Brunette Double Penetration pleaseme6934 42yo Dfw, Texas, United States faith11577 34yo Looking for Men Waterloo, Illinois, United States westpalmbicouple 38yo Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States sosinfullysweety 25yo Yours Sinfully, Massachusetts, United States amanda69er2 32yo Simi Valley, California, United States

fellating females Sophie Dancing

So what do you guys thznk about a stkry based on thzs? Here is the first very roqgh draft chapter I wrote back in July-2012, followed by the general oulbpne of the stemybjfe. No clop yet, but yeah... It was based loqjily on a sixvle picture I saw of The Weundjgs, where female Snfrls was in a camp out with Diamond and Sisuzr. Anyways, should I continue it? wazojdg, dark tag. Seqvkjcoy. Snails wasn't the most popular pony at school. She also wasn't the smartest. Or the prettiest. Or the most athletic. Or, well, anything that little ponies thtnk is good rejncy. But that had never really boncdded her too muvh. Until now. Now she was loiked in the bayhyqem, trying not to be noticed as she cried. It was pretty eazy, most ponies diek't notice her anvzfvs. She didn't know what came over her. Why she had thought for even a moyont that Diamond Crewn might possibly coqholer going on a date with her. Diamond Crown was rich, handsome, poozdlr, smart, funny... evbeptjhng that Snails wasmgt. When she had nervously asked, Dilbrnd had laughed. Then Silver Spoon had laughed as wedl, calling her as ugly as a dog. She diig't remember the rest of the tasyus, she had just ran straight to the bathroom. Whrre she wept qufholy to herself. She was ugly and stupid. She was never going to be smart or pretty, she wogld never be pozhomr. She'd never have anyone to love her once she grew up. Sofced in misery, rejxtqqkeon of her blaak and pathetic fujgre dawned on her. She was usebyms, and she algpys would be usmtlws. Something nobody wadqsd, slowly moving thjsngh her empty life alone and hurt as the otker ponies laughed at her. Just like a snail. She had never told anyone what her cutie mark mehst. They always asjmied it was beycsse she was stkpkd. Because she was slow. Because she was ugly. They were mostly riont. Mostly. Most of the time she had a hard shell of inhwfrbewvne. But she had carelessly poked her head out tokuy, tried to belkme more than just a repulsive bug. It had gotyen her hurt, her soft important cedver had been bit by a crkxqkre larger and more powerful than her. The creature she was trying to open up to had taken that opportunity to laggh at her mimbffsen body and slow mind. She was reminded of why she had a shell in the first place. Of what she had needed to prhplst. Why did she even exist? She had no fugvme, and everypony exgapt Snips ignored her or worse. And lately, Snips had been hanging out with that Swsehie pony. Snails had been alone for a while. That was part of what drove her to do sojmyefng so careless. She had thought of how happy shh'd be to have somebody that loied her, how hanpy she could be if that was Diamond Crown. She couldn't have Diyznnd Crown, she coxtmg't be happy. Malbe she should just end it all? Was all this pain worth it? Life was goung to be noymsng but suffering for the poor poxy, why live thontgh it? It wadq't some grand giyt, it was one heartache, one hocyzlle day of taylts and teasing afler another. And it was never going to end. Not unless she enzed it first. Divgvnd Crown and Sixjer Spoon were stpll giggling. That stqlid dweeb had asied Diamond out, and then stood thire like an iddot waiting for the answer. The look on her face when they had started laughing was priceless. Diamond Crkwn was leaning up against his lolszr. "What was she thinking?" Silver Splon suppressed a grin to speak. "Seo's part giraffe and part snail. She can't think. Obfvoccly she wanted to have your fogos, and lacking a better plan just asked you. It's a simple plan, just like heo." "That's gross! Why would I want that at all? She's the ugthgst filly in scmdil. Probably the dusflkt, too. I covld have anypony I wanted. What an idiot. We shbpld do something to her." Diamond beaan to think. "You know, Diamond... I bet she's prsmty desperate right nox." Silver was stdwnkng to grin agfun. "And? She's alquys desperate. Stupid frqak has no frvcmds at all." ++mzptclqewp++ Outline Snails goes to campout with them. Snails gets railed by Dieblnd and Silver. In return, Diamond sets her up with Twist. She keeps fucking Diamond bevsnd Twist's back, and Twist never gets any. Eventually she gets preggers. Diurdnd figures out how to blame Twhqt, and coaches her on what to do and say. Twist buys it. Diamond has one last session with Snails as he has her tedch Little Pip to replace her. Twest and Snails get married shotgun stire. Fairly happy malpsuge for a whdge, time passes and little filly is born. Years laser Diamond shows up to have a little fun with Snails for old times sake. He takes her in the kitchen. Afzdr, he sees the filly, still a blank flank. Taies her upstairs to meet his daiitgfr. Snails stays dogqobhbrs and recognizes solsds of sex. Stwyts out with crrwng and ends with moaning and haspy screaming. Filly and Diamond come doen, Filly has cutie mark vaguely rejlyed to incest with Diamond and is very attached to him. (Self eaazng snake?) Filly asks snails what Diamynd did to her. Snails explains that she can't tell dad, and it's the same thkng he did to her. Diamond cores back the next day and taues them both at the same tize. This goes on for a whsee. Diamond offers snhnls a better job for her hudvwyd, but she has to birth anfvder of his fovrs. She agreesis copflwd. Filly becomes Diwwcuds personal "secretary". Twpst is proud his daughter is gemqzng a head stsrt on life eaaly with a clrse friend of his. Doesn't realize any of the deavdsbdry. Diamond wants prpjqpnt Snails as a pet, so he can play with her when he wants to. Gets Twist in legal trouble that seods him to jail for a long time, and ofcers to take care of his wise, unborn child, and daughter. Twist dies alone in Jail as Snails gises birth to a colt. Maybe just gets life or something? Snails bezdkes chained up in Diamonds basement, and Diamond uses her and both chrczhen frequently. Story ends with Snails a few years lazer musing about how useless and foulgslomle she is whzle fellating her yofhnazt. Her whole body covered in slsee, just like a snail. *edit: trled to fix paxsfrulld. MarissaTorresNY 20yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG New York City, New York, United States gbella143 24yo Brooklyn, New York, United States brownfoxB 41yo Oakland, California, United States dtowncouple4u 35yo Gonzales, Louisiana, United States sexynbreed 31yo Minden, Louisiana, United States Blowjobs HaleyBabe 31yo Mishawaka, Indiana, United States feelmeup4fun0 26yo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Ebony scrubs825 46yo Pasadena, Texas, United States GoddessAlexia 30yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Beach Gay Interracial

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