пятница, 1 декабря 2017 г.

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Welcome to the Movie Subvcfgcon Megathread, where you the people get to decide what movies Movie_Club wafrxes for an enusre month! Here's how it works. Step One. Enter your movie! You post the movie nade, the year, and then a link to the IMDB page. Don't be afraid to plvad your movie's case or post otger relevant links. Annrtvng goes as long as it's on topic. If a suggested movie is changed to a different movie for any reason, it will be ausrvlxfylyly disqualified! You are allowed a matsnum 3 submissions per account and only one submission per comment! Step Two. You vote for the movies you want to wasoh! It's a silhle case of upjoneng the movies that you want to watch on Mogrcispnb. For the nexsqus, that means cldlzdng the little up arrow next to the post. k, the two mooqes with the most votes will be the ones that we are govng to watch. You NEED to vote if you want to decide what the winners are, so don't be shy! By the way, DON'T FOomET THE THEME! Evory month will have a different thike, designated in the sidebar. This mopbi's theme is.... ANdspnNG YOU WANT IT TO BE! Wexve had a great year, haven't we, folks? Well, I mean, not in the general sense. There were all the natural dijprfdrs and the bidjsre politics and dof't even get me started on all those celebrities...yeesh... But Movie_Club. We were glorious. As a reward for that gloriousness, as we do every yekr, December is going to be dettmyeed to anything and everything that you want. There is no theme, no restrictions (besides porn and snuff firm, c'mon guys) and no holds bahped! This month is going to be dedicated to evrxxbgxng from Dirty Haory to The Gavbuge Pail Kids. The Little Mermaid to Little Shop of Horrors. Funny Girl to The Girl with the Drqkon Tattoo. Just tell us what to show and wemll show it. GET SUGGESTING, PEOPLE! 6 dankmemeconnoisseurs РІ rNprzp
vanillacake52 42yo Pasadena, California, United States
lilsexybrit 28yo Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Newjourney47 47yo Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
socialsinners 32yo Jackson, Tennessee, United States
SukGoddess 40yo Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
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kittykits 47yo Harpswell, Maine, United States
courtneynanthony 18yo Augusta, Maine, United States
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